BASSnet Cloud Certified with Prestigious ISAE 3402 Type II Attestation, Reinforcing Operational & Control Excellence

OSLO, NORWAY; [24th September 2024]: BASS Software, the leading provider of maritime ERP software, has secured the ISAE 3402 Type II attestation for BASSnet SaaS, the cloud-hosting solution offered by the company. This achievement demonstrates BASS’s strong commitment to maintaining a secure and reliable control environment, ensuring the highest standards of operational effectiveness and service management for its BASSnet SaaS solution.

BASS engaged Deloitte Malaysia to conduct an independent audit and attestation, in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3402, a globally recognized Service Organization Control (SOC) compliance standard that assesses the internal controls of service organizations and their effectiveness.

The attestation marks a significant achievement for BASSnet. It verifies not only the design and implementation of internal controls, policies and procedures, but also their operational effectiveness over time.

“Achieving the ISAE 3402 Type II attestation is a testament to our rigorous controls, proactive risk management, and robust data protection within the BASSnet Cloud hosting environment,” says Wong Nyuk Lan, VP of Service & Support at BASS Software. “It also reflects our dedication to comply with industry standards in managing our SaaS services. The attestation will provide our customers with an added layer of confidence. They can be assured that BASSnet’s system is not only compliant but also consistently performing at a high level.”

This milestone underscores the rigorous evaluation of all essential controls within the BASSnet SaaS solution. This includes the BASSnet system, the Cloud infrastructure (operating system, database, network security, and infrastructure), as well as key processes adopting ITIL best practices.

“We consistently aim to take a proactive stance in providing services that prioritise security while delivering value to our customers,” says Per Steinar Upsaker, CEO and Managing Director at BASS Software. “By obtaining the ISAE Type II attestation, we further demonstrate our control to address cybersecurity threats, enhance data protection, and ensure operational resilience in today’s dynamic business environment.”

As BASSnet continues to expand its end-to-end SaaS solutions, this latest attestation stands as a SOC compliance hallmark, solidifying BASSnet’s position as a trusted partner in the maritime industry.

BASSnet Highlight: Cybersecurity Protection with BASSnet SaaS

BASSnet Software as a Service (SaaS) gives on-demand access to the powerful BASSnet ERP software in the Cloud anywhere in the world.

Manage Your Cyber Risks

With digitalisation comes cyber risks. Shipping companies must manage the risk of cybersecurity threats to avoid losses from a cybersecurity breach.

Breaches could result in operational disruption, theft of intellectual property, data breaches, safety risks, and regulatory non-compliance.

It’s important to stay protected.

BASSnet SaaS comes with valuable cybersecurity protection.

Powerful Defense in Depth

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner, BASS is dedicated to protect you with valuable cybersecurity protection.

With the latest Azure technologies, BASSnet SaaS natively supports*:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • Data encryption

*Please contact BASS for details on the applicable products.

Benefit from Added Security Measures

BASS implements the following measures to further strengthen BASSnet SaaS’s security posture:

  1. Network Segmentation and Protection
  2. Endpoint Protection
  3. Application Protection
  4. Regular Software Updates and OS patching
  5. Monitoring & Logging
  6. Regular Backup
  7. Employee Cybersecurity Education
  8. Third-Party Security Assessments

Don’t risk your vessel data without putting the proper security measures in place.

Reach out to protect your cybersecurity with BASSnet!

BASS Customer Forum 2024

BASS Customer Forum 2024

Join us at this year’s customer forum as we showcase the latest updates and advancements to our maritime fleet management system. Discover beneficial new BASSnet features, mobile apps, and services. Get an exclusive sneak peek at BASSnet Web 3.0, our upcoming modern browser-based system.

Also, connect with fellow users, exchange insights and experiences, and deepen your understanding of BASSnet’s capabilities.


New phone numbers for Customer Support hotline and BASS office general line

Dear Valued Customers,

We would like to inform you that our office is transitioning to a digital-based phone system to better serve you.

As part of this upgrade, effective 1st July 2024:

  1. Our Customer Support hotline will be changed to +603-2703 8594.
  2. The BASS office general line will be changed to +603-2703 8584.

Do kindly update our contact information and we look forward to serving you with these new telephone numbers.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we strive to improve our services to better meet your needs.

Warm regards,
BASS CSS Administrator

BASS Customer Forum 2024


Save the Date!
Join the BASS Customer Forum in Europe and Asia


                  We're thrilled to announce the upcoming BASS Customer Forum, taking place

                  in both Spain and Singapore in Q4 2024!

                 BASS Europe Customer Forum (BECF 2024)
                 Date: 29th & 30th October 2024
                 Venue: Melia Palma Marina, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

                 BASS Asian Customer Forum (BACF 2024)
                 Date: 19th & 20th November 2024
                 Venue: Singapore

          We wanted to give you an early heads-up so you can save the date and
                  plan accordingly.

                  We'll be sending out more information, including registration details, closer to
                  the event date.

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                                                 Copyright © 2022 BASS Software Ltd.
                                  Limassol | Hamburg | Oslo | Hong Kong | Kuala Lumpur

BASSnet Financials 3.2 Press Release

Simplify your maritime accounting with the new BASSnet Financials 3.2

OSLO, NORWAY; [4th July 2023]: Following the release of BASSnet Financials 3.0, BASS has now released the newly improved BASSnet Financials 3.2 which adds extensive user-friendly enhancements for greater value. This latest entry in BASS Software’s next generation 3.x solutions will simplify and centralise your full cycle maritime accounting.

BASSnet Financials 3.2 houses extended functionality designed for ease of use and to strengthen the payment process flow.

The software will cut your accounting team’s workload significantly, and increase efficiency. Here are the highlights:

  1. Release of next enhancement packages on User Interface.
  2. Improved navigation and quick access features. This covers newly built-in widgets, shortcuts, system-wide document attachment, direct links, and drilldown to related transaction details.
  3. Add on one-click actionable icons to improve further the entry handling efficiency with Batch Update, Clone and Download icons.
  4. Extension of multi-company entry handling feature for recurring entries, period control updates and period closing run.
  5. Brand new standard financial printout templates with customisable capability and settings at template and company level.
  6. Enhancements to payment process flow.

“BASSnet Financials 3.2 is our latest user friendly, intuitive version that comes with rich accounting features and powerful transactional capabilities,” notes Per Steinar Upsaker, CEO & Managing Director at BASS Software. ”We’ve focused on bringing quick access to essential data at the click of a button. Direct entry drilldown is now available so users gain direct access to related entries. Newly introduced features also increase efficiency, including for convenient multi-company processing.”

Enhancements that simplify maritime accounting

Users can now create convenient personalised shortcuts to favourite screens, filtered queries, and reports which can be launched instantly from the new shortcuts menu.

In addition, the payment flow has been significantly improved with:

  • Enhancements to improve the payment cycle time.
  • Enhanced functionality to link and expand all steps of the payment process (from payment plan, export, import, to confirmation) to facilitate payment monitoring, tracking and review.
  • Enhanced payment export function and new payment import adapter to cater to two-way payment data export and import needs with banks.
  • Streamlined payment process including new payment report to enable you to control your cashflow in real time.

BASS has also revamped and modernised the layout for financials printouts for sending to external counterparts, such as customer invoices, payment vouchers, receipt vouchers and more. The layout design of the printout templates is easily customisable via the new Report Designer tool to suit company requirements.

BASSnet Financials 3.2 caters specifically to the maritime accounting needs of ship owners and managers. It increases speed and efficiency, and frees up the user’s time to focus on value adding activities that support organisational goals.

As BASS Software releases more innovative 3.x solutions, business intelligence dashboards, mobile apps and add-ons, the leading maritime ERP provider will certainly bring even greater value to its global community of maritime partners.

Please click here to get a copy of the Release Notes.

Product News, Updates and Announcements


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Release Notes for BASSnet 2.11

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Release Notes for BASSnet Financials 3.2

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Release Notes for BASSnet 2.10

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Release Notes for BASSnet 2.9

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Release Notes (Archive as of August 2023)

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